Saturday, November 16, 2013

10 Things My Vanilla Friends Would Be Horrified to Know about Me...

You know that number thing going on around Facebook? Like the status and you get a number and have to share that many things about yourself? Well, my number is 10. Only I can't share the things NO ONE really knows... but it would be fun if I could, just imagine their reaction!

(please don't hate, don't judge...this is supposed to be the safe place right....RIGHT?!?!? ;)

1. I am submissive. (I know, I know, no surprise to all of you, but my vanilla friends would fall over in their chairs laughing at that statement!)

2. My husband spanks me. Like when I break rules..and for fun...but they aren't the fact...I am sitting here writing this on a pretty bruised bum...

3.  I often call my husband "Sir" .... well, sometimes he requires it. 

4. I have to write lines for doing stupid things sometimes...and I have had to stand in the corner once in a while...

5. We go all 50 Shades in the bedroom occasionally...

6. There are bondage "things" hidden in our room--- attached to the bed actually...and other places...

7.  My husband has a "toy bag." (yeah those kinds of toys SC is a bit of a toy and implement junkie...the good and the bad...going to need a 2nd bag soon) (I keep saying we need to put a disclaimer on it in case we know "Do not look in here if we die, just throw this bag away!")

8. My Kindle is full of dd and spanking fiction. Go horrified. And yes, I have been spanked for spending too much on spanking fiction...go ahead and laugh...

9. Yes, I read all three 50 Shades books...yes, I know I vehemently denied it...but really they are tame and boring compared to Renee Rose and Maddie Taylor...

10. Oh, and BTW, I write a secret blog about my life in domestic discipline...

Can you just imagine those vanilla faces?!?! Oh my... oh well. Guess I will go write something from which they won't die of a heart attack ...


  1. I absolutely love this, this is so much more interesting than the FB one too! You'll have to give me a good list of books to check out ;) and if you need me to, I'll take care of your bags (can't believe you have bag's!!) LOL

    Love ya!!

    1. Thanks! Maybe I'll post about books soon ;) and you can totally have the burn the toy bag job! ;)

  2. Love this! Sometimes I just wish everyone knew and accepted it as ok. Then I wouldn't have to hide things all the time. Although, then I wouldn't have the Awesomeness of you guys ;)


    1. Hiding is grateful for you ladies...honest relationships are an major blessing! Thank you!

  3. I love this post Cole. I understand and would never judge and anyway 8 of your 10 would also be on my list too (all but no3 and no7)
    The same is true for me though, my friends would roll about in laughter and disbelief!

    1. Glad to know I am not alone! ;) I almost put that I was submissive on my FB one..but then realized no one would believe it! Lol

  4. This is cute! I hope you'll be able to make discreet arrangements if you need to.

    I agree that this is more interesting than the usual ones on FB.

    Ooh, a reader? What kind of DD/spanking books?

    1. Thank you! And thank you for stopping by! :) I love to read and will read just about anything. I have read some of yours as well! :) I would read more but my hoh limits my amazon budget! :P

    2. Wow, Cole. Thank you so much!

      You should be sure to play the Advent Calendar next month (sign up on my blog soon). I'll be giving away approximately almost 120 books from almost 70 authors, in addition to tons of prizes. :D Everyone who plays regularly (Dec 1-24) will get a free book.

  5. That's really cute, Cole. I think everyone should appoint a friend to destroy their toys upon death.

    1. Lol. Right? Executor of wills, and destroyer of all things thanks!

  6. I think we would all be surprised (and possibly disgusted) to find out how many people actually have a list very similar to this one. I know mine is pretty close...
    Great post!

  7. Too funny. I just did this yesterday on facebook and I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if for number 6 I put, "I have a secret blog about spanking." I told my best friend though but it was before when I had the blog and had just closed it down. The look on her face was priceless as they say. I didn't tell her the name of it or that recently I opened it back up. I'm sure she thinks I am a weirdo but she doesn't know we practice DD. She just thought it was a spanko fun thing... and it is that too. :)

    I haven't read any spanking fiction though... and we don't have any obvious toys or a toy bag. We mainly use everyday items so nothing exciting will be found EXCEPT,
    and this is a big EXCEPTION.... the naughty sexy notes I write for SM. I love to write them but I don't want anyone else to find those! Maybe my sister can come rip those up for me or burn them. I hope so!

    Fun post, Cole. Thanks :)

    1. Funny! Thats awesome that you told your friend...I just don't think I have it in me, but I aplaud those who do! :)

  8. This was so fun Cole!
    I'm sure all of us would shock our vanilla friends!

    I so identified with your number 7 - I've had that horrified thought of who I could ask to settle our affairs (pack up our home - drawers and all) if anything ever happened to us. So far, I haven't come up with anyone in my real life who could handle it. sigh.

    And I'm with you on the spanking fiction - I have my kindle password locked so I'm the only one who can see what's there - I'm happy to share with my fellow spanko friends, but my vanilla friends would be aghast, lol.


    1. I wish there was a way to lock an app...I have the kindle app on my iPad. Bt my kindle fire that the kids use is linked to my account I have to open it first every time to delete stuff off the carousel first! Lol. I just know one day I will forget! :O

  9. Hi Cole, hope you don't mind a first time visitor. My list is pretty much the same as yours! My kindle is exactly like that and I now have to ask permission to buy books and he can tell because our kindles are linked (by accident not design) and so whats in his archive is what is on my kindle and vice versa. Flipping disaster that is!!
    My vanilla friends would be stunned if they knew how I really am lol
    love Jan.xx

    1. Jan, thank you for stopping by and for commenting! :) The Kindle thing is so hard! They need to allow it to be password protected!!! LOL

  10. Hi Cole, just found your blog and I love this post. I really enjoy finding other people who don't mind blending D/s and DD in their relationship (It sounds like you do, if you don't please accept my apologies!). Looking forward to coming back often :)


    1. River, thanks for stopping by! We are still figuring out the dd/ d/s dynamic, d/s is more the playful side of things for us...but we are still experimenting. :)

  11. Lol, this was so cute! I catch myself thinking sometimes, "if only they knew!"

    1. I know right...and I am such an open book it is HARD not to share!!!

  12. Well, I'm not about to share any such things with folks around me or in my life just yet.. but somehow I have a feeling nobody would really be surprised! The neighbourhood here, I swear makes me think they're all into it, and my family would probably say "it's about time he took care of things like that!"

    1. LOL. Yeah I wonder if a few might respond like that for me as well!

  13. I somehow lost a bunch of blogs, and am still trying to locate them all, and so I'm behind on yours, sorry. But I LOVED this post. LOL I know my friends would feel the same way. Well two know now, and telling them some of the above in your post, oh, was so funny, especially the secret blog once they did digest everything else. LOL

    {{{hugs}}} EsMay

    1. I am always so jealous of those of you who have shared this irl...I just am not there. Maybe one day!!! I always think I will throw something out there in one of those games like 2 truths and a lie at a church Christmas party or something...Really throw them off! ;)

  14. Great post. I have the same problem, only it's trying to explain how I spend my days since everyone thinks I'm watching soap operas (do they still exist?) and eating bonbons instead of writing spanking books. :)
